Relationship Advice

When it comes to relationship advice for women, it seems everyone has an opinion. I’ve been studying relationships and dating for some time now and I’ve seen it all.

Now, I’ve taken what I learned and am I summarizing the best of the best relationship advice here. I hope you will find these articles helpful – gems of relationship wisdom, if you will. 🙂

Long Distance Relationship Advice
When it comes to long distance relationship advice, you will hear all sorts of ideas on the topic – sometime from people who have never had a long distance relationship (why is that, anyway?) and every situation is unique.  It would be a silly thing to let someone really amazing go just because of a few hundred miles… or is it?

Top Relationship Questions Answered
There is a lot of mail coming in from you, the readers, and you would be surprised at how often your relationship questions look similar. Believe it or not we all have the common problems. Here are the most commonly asked relationship questions and the answers.

How to Get Him Back and the Importance of the No Contact Zone

How to get him back. This is what you want to know, right, this is why you are here? If you are poised with your iPhone or smartphone while you read this, put it down.  You’re not going to need that if you want to get him back. The key is to make him miss you first.

Is Sex Destroying Your Relationship?
One of the worst things that could happen to a relationship… Don’t expect him to be your boyfriend again just because he gave in to the sexual seduction. Don’t let THIS happen to you.

How to Get Back Together After Someone Cheated
So you want to know how to get back together after someone cheated? This is a tough one. Most women I know that have been here. Was it you that cheated? Was it your partner that cheated? It makes a difference in the getting them back scenario.

Tips for How to Get Your Boyfriend Back
Real men have that awkward conversation that shows you they loved the time you spent together, but for some reason it just isn’t working right now. So, how do you get your boyfriend back?

Christian Relationship Advice
The Christian relationship advice that I am about to share with you is advice that will help any relationship work. It all goes back to something that I have said repeatedly, you teach people how to treat you.

How to Fight Fair with Him
Men call us needy, clingy, all sorts of stuff.  Usually they think that we are the cat’s pyjamas until we break up. Chances are, we probably got a little less than pretty during that last and final fight that lead to a breakup.


Relationship Advice for Men


Fighting With Her
When it comes to couples fighting, I like to go by the old Einstein approach, the very definition of insanity can be found when you are trying to do the same thing over and over again and expecting different results. Here is some relationship advice for the men out there and how to engage in the art of fighting with women – and still come out alive!