Dating Advice

If you are in the dating game currently, no doubt you have received a lot of “dating advice” – some of it good, most of it… well, not so good.

We all want to get to the relationship phase but you need to go through the dating phase first. That means finding and meeting the right guy or gal. With so many options for how to find them today, it becomes a bit overwhelming. Should you use the online dating sites? What are the dangers in that? (We’ve all heard the horror stories.)

What about blind dates that your friends set you up on? They can work… depending on your friends, of course!

And when it is the right time to move from the dating game into a relationship? Perhaps one of the toughest questions of all.

Dating Advice for Women

Check out my dating advice articles. I hope you find them honest and to the point – and I hope they help you connect with mr or mrs right.

When to Have “The Talk”
Dating advice for both men and women. My general rule of thumb on this is the three months mark is an appropriate time to initiate The Talk.  That is generic though, and will not apply to every situation.

What Having Standards Really Means
This is an important one, and if you take nothing else from any of my other posts on dating advice for women, you should take this one.  Because if you can get this one down, you are gold in the world of dating.

Christian Dating
When it comes to dating, the process can be a little daunting.  This is especially true if you are looking for some Christian dating. The truth is, Christianity is the largest religion in America right now.  When you combine all of the denominations that celebrate Christianity, some surveys suggest that as many as 76% of Americans are Christians of one faith or another. He’s out there, ladies, you just need to find him.

For Men – How to Get Your Game on Without Being a Player
If I ever wrote the book on dating advice for men, these are the kinds of things I would encourage.  Make her feel like the modern woman that she is.  All of these things will make her feel respected, valued, cherished, loved, prized. - View Photos of Singles Free