Some Quick Ways to Make Him Miss You

In case you have just broken up with your boyfriend, you might be thinking about attracting a man who is no longer interested in you. Even if they have regretted the separation, you need to know that they will not make the first step. Men are too proud to do that, and you need to make him miss you so badly that he will overcome his pride. In most cases this can be a hard work and can take long months. But if you are using the proven to work techniques below of attracting a man, you will be able to get your ex boyfriend back fast.

Do not look heartbroken
The most common mistake women make when they want to succeed attracting a man is to look miserable and sad. You can’t expect them to feel sorry for you, especially if you gave them a reason to break up. You need to keep your dignity all the time, have fun, go out and don’t show any sign of being devastated; this is the best way to make him miss you. If he sees that you get along all right without him, and he is missing the things you did together (deep in his heart he will confess himself), that you will look more valuable in his eyes.

Make changes
You can change your wardrobe; have a new hairstyle, something he will notice immediately. But don’t look as if you did it for attracting a man; him or anyone else. Look as if you felt better inside than any other time, and you are not missing anything of your life. You can take on a new hobby, sport, lose weight, but not because of him, Just look like someone who is having loads of fun alone.

Become mysterious
You can make him miss you by having your own secrets. You can even disappear for a while, and turn up totally changed. The secret of attracting a man is to remain mysterious, and be impossible to see through. That is what men like about women, and you should always keep your secrets, to remain interesting. Attracting a man is all about to avoid being boring.

Make new friends
There is no harm making new friends to make him miss you. You have to ensure that he will not see you flirting with other people, as he will think you are just showing off. The best way of attracting a man is to look happy and content. He will be jealous of your friends, and immediately want to spend more time with you. If you look miserable, nobody, not even him, will want to be with you. To make him miss you, you will have to make an impression that he can be replaced by other people. This will hurt his pride and make him miss you.

Do not call him
The number one mistake girls make after breaking up with their boyfriend is starting calling them. You should look as if you have accepted the separation, and can live your life perfectly fine alone. You should avoid calling him if you want to make him miss you. You can even change your daily schedule to try and avoid him. The less he sees you the more he will miss you or think about you.